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Air Warfare

DRS: Why Air Force Should Buy T-100 For T-X Trainer

PARIS AIR SHOW: With the competition for the US Air Force’s T-X trainer system increasingly seen as a battle between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, it’s easy to overlook perhaps the most intriguing entry: DRS, the US subsidiary of European aerospace giant, Leonardo. Almost everyone who looks at the fairly raucous battle — Northrop was in, […]


Buy America, Again. Sigh.

WASHINGTON: America cannot apply Buy America provisions on a widescale basis and buy the best weapons, no matter how much President Trump and his team may feel otherwise. It’s a simple as that. All the competitors for the Air Force’s next-generation trainer, the T-X, include enormous amounts of foreign content, some including the aircraft. The […]

Air Warfare

New T-X Airplanes Would Add $1B To Trainer Bill: Lockheed

UPDATED: Adds Force Comment WASHINGTON: Lockheed Martin is pressing the Air Force to change how it evaluates T-X bids, arguing that new aircraft will cost the service close to $1 billion more over six years and delay Initial Operating Capability by several years. The calculus behind this assertion appears pretty simple. New aircraft require structural […]

Air Warfare

Raytheon Unveils Its Next Gen Air Force Trainer

FARNBOROUGH: For the first time at an air show, Raytheon has presented its offering for the replacement of the T-38 trainer here, the T-100. Thanks to the buckets of rain that keep falling we can’t offer you a photo, but we can tell you the plane is here. We understand the company is likely to make […]